Kid proofing a domestic air compressor

Kid proofing a domestic air compressor
Kid proofing a domestic air compressor

Air compressors are something that is very essential for one’s business but they can also pose a hazard to children when they are not used properly. After purchasing an air compressor, one must read and follow the instructions for safety given in it to prevent accidents and have precautions to keep the compressor in shape and in working condition. These are some precautions to prevent accidents and keep children safe:

  • Have the compressor in an area that opts where it is clean and has air inlet. When the area is wet it can cause some accidents.
  • When indoors do not use the gas air compressors
  • Make sure that the air compressor is in working condition and have a routine for safety. Have a look at the pipes, hoses, and check the levels of oil.
  • Never forget to wear eye protection and make sure that you have all the safety equipment while working with an air compressor.
  • Never add or change the oil if you are using the compressor or it has been already used. This can make the compressor catch fire.
  • Be sure that the wires are all properly connected and grounded. If there is no proper connection then it can also cause a fire.
  • Have a proper extension for the chord. A chord that is longer than necessary can damage the unit or can cause loss of power.
  • Hose fitting has to be checked to make sure that they are tightly fit. There can be a hindrance to the performance of the compressor if there are any loose fittings.

These are just some of the common measures that one must take compulsorily to make sure that the place is safe from any accident and the compressor will run without any damage to itself.


Compressors of air are mainly used in workplaces where there is a requirement of air that is pressurized. Most air compressors are divided as low-pressure, medium-pressure, or high-pressure compressors. Low air pressure compressor has a discharge of pressure is 150 psi or less and middle-pressure air compressor has a discharge of pressure at  151 to 1,000 psi and the high-pressure air compressor has a discharge that is more than 1,000 psi. All of the things we use have some precautions we have to take to prevent accidents and to be safe. There can be adults, children, or anyone around the object and if it is not used by the precautions then it can cause damages, sometimes which is very serious. So here are some precautions that should be taken for an industrial air compressor to prevent bloodily accidents.

Gas Air Compressors to be Used Outdoors

If the air compressor is powered by electricity it is ok to keep it indoors. Else, the air compressors must be kept outdoors as the gas air compressors release some fumes that are toxic and can sometimes also release carbon monoxide.

Goggles and Gloves

For one’s safety and personal protective equipment (PPE), one must wear gloves and goggles. There have been several reports of severe ye injuries of using pressurized air without goggles. Using something that is as simple as glasses and gloves can save you from many life-threatening injuries while working with an air compressor.

Follow Manufacturer’s Recommended Maintenance

Make sure that you have read the manual for the recommendations from the manufacturer for the maintenance and safety of the air compressor. There are lot of steps for the maintenance of the compressor of air. And by doing these things your air compressor will be in good shape for many days or years than expected and can also prevent many injuries as there can be children and people around it.

Follow these simple steps and keep you and your surroundings safe from the hazards of air compressor.

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